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[fusion_text]Previous weekend in “Ateitis CUP” 2015 was dedicated for ten-year-olds. The absolute winners of this tournament are the team from Latvia “METTA”. They won the final against the second best team in this tournament “Kapa” from Helsinki. “Juventus” for the first time in “Ateitis CUP 2015” went home with the bronze medals instead of regular gold.

“I am not disappointed with the loss, I am disappointed that our opponents scored a goal against us. I have nothing to complain about in relation to penalties shoot out. I am the kind of coach who loses in such situations all the time” – said the coach of the “Juventus” Alessandro Calcia.

“I want to compliment your tournament for giving us absolutely everything, what we need – great food, great playing ground, beautiful old town of Vilnius – we liked everything! We are very happy about our trip to Lithuania” – added the coach.

Lithuanian teams we also showing some nice football – the best result was achieved by Baltics Football Academy, who won the eight place, leaving Vilnius Football School in the ninth.

The next weekend will be the last one for “Ateitis CUP 2015”. Football players born in 2006, 2007, 2008  and 2009 will be the owners of the pitch.[/fusion_text]

Best players of best for teams:

Thomas Dardo “Juventus”



Helvijs Joksts (FK “Tukums”)



Vincent Ulundu (“Kapa” Helsinki)



Andris Maurinš (“Metta”)





Best goalkeeper: Maikis Rūmanis (“Metta”)



Best defender: Alessandro Zani (“Juventus”)



Best midfielder: Oumar Balde (“Kapa”)



Best striker: Ilja Atligins (FK “Tukums”)



Top scorer: Mateo Rossi (“Juventus”)





Best teams:

3 place: “Juventus” Torino (Italy)



2 place: “Kapa” Helsinki (Finland)



1 place: “Metta” Riga (Latvia)




„Juventus“ Torino (Italy)

„Dinamo“ Minsk (Belarus)

„Supernova“ Riga (Latvia)

„Tauras“ Kaunas (Lithuania)

„Ateitis“ Vilnius (Lithuania)




HJK Helsinki (Finland)

„Metta“ Riga (Latvia)

FM „Vilnius“ (Lithuania)

„Smena“ Minsk (Belarus)

„Banga“ Gargzdai (Lithuania)




„Kapa“ Helsinki (Finland)

Football academy of Vilnius“ (Lithuania)

FK „Minsk“ (Belarus)

SDJUSSHOR Kaliningrad (Russia)

FM „Vilnius-2“ (Lithuania)




„Ateitis-2“ Vilnius (Lithuania)

„Harju“ Jalgpallikool (Estonia)

FK „Tukums“ (Latvia)

„Baltika“ Kaliningrad (Russia)

BFA Vilnius (Lithuania)

27 of November, Friday

1. 8.30 (I) A2-A5 „Dinamo“ Minsk – „Ateitis“

2. 8.30 (II) B3-B4 FM „Vilnius“ – „Smena“

3. 9.15 (I) A3-A4 „Supernova“ – „Tauras“

4. 9.15 (II) C2-C5 Football academy of Vilnius – FM „Vilnius-2“

5. 10.00 (I) B2-B5 „Metta“ – „Banga“

6. 10.00 (II) D2-D5 „Harju“ – BFA Vilnius

7. 10.40 (I) C3-C4 FK „Minsk“ – SDJUSSHOR K.

8. 10.40 (II) D3-D4 „Tukums“ – „Baltika“

9. 11.20 (I) B1-B3 HJK – FM „Vilnius

10. 11.20 (II) A1-A5 „Juventus“ – „Ateitis“

11. 12.05 (I) A2-A4 „Dinamo“ – „Tauras“

12. 12.05 (II) B2-B4 „Metta“ – „Smena“

13. 12.50 (I) C2-C4 Football academy of Vilnius – SDJUSSHOR K.

14. 12.50 (II) D2-D4 „Harju“ – „Baltika“

15. 13.35 (I) C1-C5 „Kapa“ – FM „Vilnius-2“

16. 13.35 (II) D1-D5 “Ateitis-2” – BFA Vilnius

17. 15.30 (I) B1-B5 HJK – „Banga“

18. 15.30 (II) A1-A3 „Juventus“ – „Supernova“

19. 16.15 (I) C1-C3 „Kapa“ – FK „Minsk“

20. 16.15 (II) D1-D3 “Ateitis-2” – „Tukums“



28 of November, Saturday



  1. 13.10 (I) A4-A5 „Tauras“ – „Ateitis“
  2. 13.10 (II) C4-C5 SDJUSSHOR K. – FM „Vilnius-2“
  3. 13.55 (I) B4-B5 „Smena“ – „Banga“
  4. 13.55 (II) D4-D5 „Baltika“ – BFA
  5. 14.35 (I) A2-A3 „Dinamo“ – „Supernova“
  6. 14.35 (II) C2-C3 Football academy of Vilnius – FK „Minsk“
  7. 15.20 (I) B2-B3 „Metta“ – FM „Vilnius“
  8. 15.20 (II) D2-D3 „Harju“ – „Tukums“
  9. 16.00 (I) A1-A4 „Juventus“ – „Tauras“
  10. 16.00 (II) C1-C4 „Kapa“ – SDJUSSHOR K.
  11. 16.45 (I) B1-B4 HJK – „Smena“
  12. 16.45 (II) D1-D4 „ Ateitis-2“ – „Baltika“
  13. 17.25 (I) A3-A5 „Supernova“ – „Ateitis“
  14. 17.25 (II) C3-C5 „Minsk“ – FM „Vilnius-2“
  15. 18.10 (I) B3-B5 FM „Vilnius“ – „Banga“
  16. 18.10 (II) D3-D5 „Tukums“ – BFA Vilnius
  17. 18.55 (I) A1-A2 „Juventus“ – „Dinamo“
  18. 18.55 (II) C1-C2 „Kapa“ – Football academy of Vilnius
  19. 19.35 (I) B1-B2 HJK – „Metta“
  20. 19.35 (II) D1-D2 „ Ateitis-2“ – „Harju“




Play off


  1. 20.20 Group A fifth (V) place – Group C fifth (V) place
  2. 20.20 Group A fourth (IV) place – Group C fourth (IV) place
  3. 21.05 Group B fifth (V) place – Group D fifth (V) place
  4. 21.05 Group B fourth (IV) place – Group D fourth (IV) place



29 of November, Sunday


  1. 8.40 Group A third (III) place – Group C third (III) place
  2. 8.40 Group B third (III) place – Group D third (III)place
  3. 9.25 Group A second (II) place – Group C second (II) place
  4. 9.25 Group B second (II) place – Group D second (II) place
  5. 10.05 Group A first (I) place – Group C first (I) place
  6. 10.05 Group B first (I) place – Group D first (I) place
  7. 10.50 For 19 place Game 41 losers – Game 43 losers
  8. 10.50 For 17 place Game 41 winners – Game 43 winners
  9. 11.30 For 15 place Game 42 losers – Game 44 losers
  10. 11.30 For 13 place Game 42 winners – Game 44 winners
  11. 12.15 For 11 place Game 45 losers – Game 46 losers
  12. 12.15 For 9 place Game 45 winners – Game 46 winners
  13. 13.00 For 7 place Game 47 losers – Game 48 losers
  14. 13.00 For 5 place Game 47 winners – Game 48 winners
  15. 13.45 For 3 place Game 49 losers – Game 50 losers
  16. 13.45 Final Game 49 winners – Game 50 winners



14.30 Tournament closing ceremony





Didžiausią Baltijos šalyse vaikų futbolo turnyrą „Ateitis CUP“ vienuolikmečių grupėje vainikavo Turino „Juventus“ ir Bergamo „Atalantos“ klubų akademijų finalas. Jį po baudinių serijos laimėjo „Senosios senjoros“ jaunieji futbolininkai. Trečioji vieta atiteko Minsko „Dinamo“ jaunuoliams, kurie mažajame finale 2:1 įveikė švedų „Brommapojkarnos“ bendraamžius.

„Tai buvo pats įdomiausias, o organizaciniu požiūriu pats sunkiausias „Ateitis CUP“ turnyras iš visų iki šiol buvusių. Pakviesti dešimties skirtingų šalių komandas, o tarp jų ir „Juventus“ bei „Atalantą“, užduotis nėra lengva“, – apie pasibaigusį turnyrą kalbėjo pagrindinis jo organizatorius Dainius Gudaitis.

„Juventus“ į „Ateitis CUP“ turnyrą atvežė jau antrą savo komandą. Dvylikamečiai taip pat tapo turnyro nugalėtojais.

„Džiaugiamės, galėję čia atvykti. Mus viskas tenkino – tiek aikštė, kurioje žaidėme, tiek maistas, kurį valgėme, tiek organizacija, kuri buvo paties aukščiausio lygio. Susitiksime po metų“, – geros nuotaikos po laimėto finalo neslėpė „Juventus“ akademijos treneris Massimiliano Marchio.

Geriausiai iš lietuviškų komandų pasirodė šeštoje pozicijoje likę Kauno „Tauro“ jaunieji futbolininkai. Aštunti liko Vilniaus futbolo mokyklos, o penkiolikti – Mažeikių futbolo akademijos auklėtiniai.

Šį savaitgalį bus surengtas dešimtmečių turnyras, kuriame tarp dvidešimties komandų vėl bus galima išvysti Turino „Juventus“ auklėtinius. Iš viso į Lietuvos sostinę atvyks septynių šalių komandos.

There was an incredible final played between the eleven-year-olds of “Juventus” Torino and “Atalanta” Bergamo during the biggest international youth football tournament “Ateitis CUP” in the Baltics. Only after the penalties shoot out did the “Juventus” team win.

The third place was won by “Dynamo” Minsk, who played successfully against “Brommapojkarna” from Sweden winning with a result 2:1.

“It was the most interesting and the most difficult from the organisational point of view tournament of “Ateitis CUP”. There were teams from 10 different countries including “Juventus” and “Atalanta”, therefore the task to manage everything was not easy” – said the main organizer of the tournament Dainius Gudaitis.

“Juventus” brought the second team to “Ateitis CUP”. The previous team of twelve year olds also won the tournament.

“We are very happy to have had aa chance to come here. We are happy with a high level of the venues, the food, the organisation. We are coming back in a year!” – enthusiastically said the coach of “Juventus” Massimiliano Marchio.

The best achievement for Lithuanian teams was the sixth place won by “Tauras” from Kaunas. The eight place was won by Vilnius Football School, and the fifteenth by Mažeikiai Football Academy. This weekend (11 26 – 11 29) will be dedicated for ten-year-olds. “Juventus” once again will be against the twenty teams coming to Vilnius from seven different countries.

Best players of best for teams:


Kiril Parmonov (“Dinamo” Minsk)a1 (130)



Elis Axelsson (“Brommapojkarna)

a1 (132)



Michele Constanca (“Juventus”)

a1 (131)


Jacopo Regonesi (“Atalanta”)

a1 (133)


a1 (134)


Best goalkeeper: Mateo Palano (“Juventus”)

a1 (135)


Best defender: Jegor Pishnyj (“Dinamo”)

a1 (136)


Best midfielder: Nicolas Truosolo (“Atalanta”)a1 (137)



Best striker: Nicolo Ledonne (“Juventus”)

a1 (138)


TOP scorer: Alesio Guerini (“Atalanta”)

a1 (139) a1 (140)




3 place. “Dinamo” Minsk

a1 (143)


2 place. “Atalanta” Bergamo

a1 (147)


1 place. “Juventus” Torino

a1 (157)




„JagielIonia“ Bialystok (Poland)

„Ateitis“ Vilnius (Lithuania)

„Smena“ Minsk (Belarus)

„Juventus“ Torino (Italy)

SHFS Riga (Latvia)




„Atalanta“ Bergamo (Italy)

FK „Minsk-1“ (Belarus)

„Harju“ Jalgpallikool (Estonia)

FK „Tukums“ (Latvia)

FA „Mazeikiai“ (Lithuania)




IF „Brommapojkarna“ (Sweden)

„Tauras“ Kaunas (Lithuania)

FK „Minsk-2“ (Belarus)

„Metta“ Riga (Latvia)

FC „Bath“ (England)




„Baltika“ Kaliningrad (Russia)

EPS „Espoo“ (Finland)

„Dinamo“ Minsk (Belarus)

„Daugava“ Daugavpils (Latvia)

FM „Vilnius“ (Lithuania)

20 of November, Friday


  1. 8.10 (I) B2-B5 „Minsk-1“ – „Mazeikiai“
  2. 8.10 (II) B3-B4 „Harju“ – „Tukums“
  3. 9.00 (I) A2-A5 „Ateitis“ – SHFS
  4. 9.00 (II) A3-A4 „Smena“ – „Juventus“
  5. 9.45 (I) C2-C5 „Tauras“ – „Bath“
  6. 9.45 (II) C3-C4 „Minsk-2“ – „Metta“
  7. 10.30 (II) D3-D4 „Dinamo“ – „Daugava“
  8. 11.15 (I) B1-B5 „Atalanta“ – „Mazeikiai“
  9. 11.15 (II) D1-D5 „Baltika“ – FM „Vilnius“
  10. 12.00 (I) A1-A5 „Jagiellonia“ – SHFS
  11. 12.00 (II) A2-A4 „Ateitis“ – „Juventus“
  12. 12.45 (I) C1-C5 „Brommapojkarna“ – „Bath“
  13. 12.45 (II) C2-C4 „Tauras“ – „Metta“
  14. 13.35 (I) D2-D5 „Espoo“ – FM „Vilnius“
  15. 13.35 (II) D1-D3 „Baltika“ – „Dinamo“
  16. 14.30 (I) B2-B5 „Minsk-1“ – „Tukums“
  17. 15.30 (I) A1-A3 „Jagiellonia“ – „Smena“
  18. 15.30 (II) B1-B3 „Atalanta“ – „Harju“
  19. 16.15 (I) C1-C3 „Brommapojkarna“ – „Minsk-2“
  20. 16.15 (II) D2-D4 „Espoo“ – „Daugava“


21 of November, Saturday


  1. 13.00 (I) A4-A5 „Juventus“ – SHFS
  2. 13.00 (II) C4-C5 „Metta“ – „Bath“
  3. 13.50 (I) B4-B5 „Tukums“ – „Mazeikiai“
  4. 13.50 (II) D4-D5 „Daugava“ – FM „Vilnius“
  5. 14.35 (I) A2-A3 „Ateitis“ – „Smena“
  6. 14.35 (II) C2-C3 „Tauras“ – „Minsk-2“
  7. 15.20 (I) B2-B3 „Minsk-1“ – „Harju“
  8. 15.20 (II) D2-D3 „Espoo“ – „Dinamo“
  9. 16.10 (I) A1-A4 „Jagiellonia“ – „Juventus“
  10. 16.10 (II) C1-C4 „Brommapojkarna“ – „Metta“
  11. 16.55 (I) B1-B4 „Atalanta“ – „Tukums“
  12. 16.55 (II) D1-D4 „Baltika“ – „Daugava“
  13. 17.40 (I) A3-A5 „Smena“ – SHFS
  14. 17.40 (II) C3-C5 „Minsk-2“ – „Bath“
  15. 18.25 (I) B3-B5 „Harju“ – „Mazeikiai“
  16. 18.25 (II) D3-D5 „Dinamo“ – FM „Vilnius“
  17. 19.10 (I) A1-A2 „Jagiellonia“ – „Ateitis“
  18. 19.10 (II) C1-C2 „Brommapojkarna“ – „Tauras“
  19. 19.55 (I) B1-B2 „Atalanta“ – „Minsk-1“
  20. 19.55 (II) D1-D2 „Baltika“ – „Espoo“


Play off


  1. 20.40 (I) Group A fifth (V) place – Group C fifth (V) place
  2. 20.40 (II) Group A fourth (IV) place – Group C fourth (IV) place
  3. 21.30 (I) Group B fifth (V) place – Group D fifth (V) place
  4. 21.30 (II) Group B fourth (IV) place – Group D fourth (IV) place


22 of November, Sunday


  1. 8.00 (I) Group A third (III) place – Group C third (III) place
  2. 8.00 (II) Group B third (III) place – Group D third (III)place
  3. 8.50 (I) Group A second (II) place – Group C second (II) place
  4. 8.50 (II) Group B second (II) place – Group D second (II) place
  5. 9.40 (I) Group A first (I) place – Group C first (I) place
  6. 9.40 (II) Group B first (I) place – Group D first (I) place
  7. 10.25 (I) For 19 place Game 41 loosers – Game 43 loosers
  8. 10.25 (II) For 17 place Game 41 winners – Game 43 winners
  9. 11.10 (I) For 15 place Game 42 loosers – Game 44 loosers
  10. 11.10 (II) For 13 place Game 42 winners – Game 44 winners
  11. 12.00 (I) For 11 place Game 45 loosers – Game 46 loosers
  12. 12.00 (II) For 9 place Game 45 winners – Game 46 winners
  13. 12.50 (I) For 7 place Game 47 loosers – Game 48 loosers
  14. 12.50 (II) For 5 place Game 47 winners – Game 48 winners
  15. 13.40 (I) For 3 place Game 49 loosers – Game 50 loosers
  16. 13.40 (II) Final Game 49 winners – Game 50 winners



14.30 Tournaments closing ceremony

This weekend was dedicated for the fifteen year olds. The main cup of international youth football tournament “Ateitis” CUP went to “Lokomotiv” from Moscow, Russia. This team won six games out of six including the final against “Baltika” from Kaliningrad.

Football school “Ateitis” won the fight against FC “Minsk” for the third place after the penalties 6:5. FS “Ateitis” is also the second Lithuanian team that won bronze medals in this tournament.

“This result is a huge achievement for our team because we had four national champions in this age group and teams were very equal“ – said the head coach of FS “Ateitis” Dainius Gudaitis.

There were scouts from Italy, Germany and Lithuania, who were looking for the perspective players. They said that the best players were identified within FS “Ateitis” team.

The upcoming weekend will be dedicated for the eleven year olds. There will be teams from Italy, UK, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, Russia and Lithuania.